We're Growing! Principal Associate - Practice Area Lead for Equitable Community Development


About David Chavis

Dr. Chavis is internationally recognized for his work in the implementation, support, and evaluation of community and systems change initiatives. The focus of his work is equitable community development as a central strategy to promote community resilience, economic and educational opportunities, improved health and well-being, and a more powerful citizenry. He also specializes in the design and implementation of community capacity building systems to bring about sustainable and scaled systems changes.

Strategic Factors for Strengthening Our Communities: The Five C’s Community, Connections, Control, Cash, & Collective Action

The current health, social justice, violence, and environmental crises call for greater attention to strengthening our communities to care for their members and to take collective action to address the root causes of disadvantage, marginalization, and stress.

By |2022-02-21T16:31:47-05:00February 18, 2022|Equitable Community Development|Comments Off on Strategic Factors for Strengthening Our Communities: The Five C’s Community, Connections, Control, Cash, & Collective Action

Health Equity—More than Equal Access

Much attention has focused on reaching, educating, and enrolling uninsured people in health coverage programs. Getting people health coverage is one way to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in health, but it does not achieve health equity—going beyond eliminating differences among groups of people and attaining the highest level of health for everyone.

By |2021-03-03T11:27:41-05:00January 15, 2021|Health and Behavioral Health Equity|Comments Off on Health Equity—More than Equal Access

Community Science in Action: Establishing Baltimore’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund

Community Science, in addition to our consultation, capacity building, and evaluation services, also works on local issues of national importance. There is an affordable housing crisis in Baltimore City, as in all American cities. Over half (53%) of city renters and 40 percent of homeowners pay more than one-third of their income in housing, putting them at risk for housing instability and even homelessness.

By |2021-01-18T09:31:22-05:00May 4, 2020|Equitable Community Development|Comments Off on Community Science in Action: Establishing Baltimore’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund

Interviews with Notable Contributors in the Development of Community Science

Ricardo Millett, Ph.D., Principal AssociateIn celebrating our 20th anniversary, [...]

By |2021-01-18T09:45:37-05:00May 4, 2018|Staff Profiles|Comments Off on Interviews with Notable Contributors in the Development of Community Science
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