Welcome to Community Science
Let’s Do Some Good Work Together
Effective Strategies – Equitable Systems – Strong Communities
Foundations, government agencies and nonprofits turn to Community Science to help them develop and evaluate effective strategies and methods that result in healthy, just and equitable communities.
How Can We Help You Create Change?
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Our Approach
Our approach is collaborative, participatory, adaptable, and scientifically rigorous. From problem identification implementing solutions, we use our knowledge and experience to support and guide your organization every step of the way. We not only identify the problems, but we also use our knowledge and experience to help clients develop solutions. Our commitment is to make sure that whatever we do is useful and will lead to just and equitable changes. We work to bring about useful social justice in all things we do. We believe that if it does not promote social justice, it’s not worth doing.
Our People
Our deep understanding of the issues facing disenfranchised communities combined with our commitment to social justice, and on the ground experience distinguishes our team. Thanks to the people of Community Science, our clients are able to meet their challenges as a result of our expertise, multi-disciplinary approaches, multicultural perspectives, and extensive professional experiences. We are here to make a difference in the world in which we all live. Our diversity is one of our greatest strengths because we appreciate the value that lived experience brings to our work.

Trusted Here at Home and Around the World

Community Science Honors Our Hero and Colleague Ricardo A. Millett

Ricardo was a powerful force who set in motion the transformation of the evaluation profession. As the W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s first Evaluation Director in the first among major philanthropies to create this function, he used his position and the foundation’s resources to “steer” the American Evaluation Association to launch the Building Diversity Initiative in 1999. This initiative explored how to address the lack of diversity in the profession. This initiative resulted in a plan and set of recommendations to not only diversify the profession and the American Evaluation Association, but also to push the practice of evaluation to become more culturally competent. Today, AEA has graduated 19 cohorts of emerging evaluators with demographic backgrounds that have traditionally been underrepresented in the profession (i.e., the Graduate Education Diversity Initiative [GEDI]); more attention than ever to issues of cultural competency, inclusion, and equity; and a consistently diverse board. Ricardo posed the question about the profession’s lack of diversity and attention to cultural competence in 1999 and when he saw the need to act, he made it happen.