We're Growing! Principal Associate - Practice Area Lead for Equitable Community Development

Health and Behavioral Health Equity


Demonstrating the Use of Data for Health Equity: A Look at Immigrant Health

Structural racism embedded in U.S. health care systems not only affects people of low income and minoritized populations who have lived in the country over time, but also immigrants.

By |2023-12-01T12:14:26-05:00December 1, 2023|Blog, Health and Behavioral Health Equity|Comments Off on Demonstrating the Use of Data for Health Equity: A Look at Immigrant Health

Three Ways Community-Based Organizations Can Support Youth Returning to School in the Face of the Growing Concerns around the COVID-19 Pandemic

Learn how your CBO can help address the safety and security of students as they return to school.

By |2021-11-03T18:55:14-04:00November 2, 2021|Blog, Health and Behavioral Health Equity|Comments Off on Three Ways Community-Based Organizations Can Support Youth Returning to School in the Face of the Growing Concerns around the COVID-19 Pandemic

Health Equity—More than Equal Access

Much attention has focused on reaching, educating, and enrolling uninsured people in health coverage programs. Getting people health coverage is one way to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in health, but it does not achieve health equity—going beyond eliminating differences among groups of people and attaining the highest level of health for everyone.

By |2021-03-03T11:27:41-05:00January 15, 2021|Health and Behavioral Health Equity|Comments Off on Health Equity—More than Equal Access
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