Nia brings two decades of training in evaluation, capacity building, and program design and implementation to help young people thrive and reach their full potential. She is passionate about building the capacity of organizations to engage stakeholders and communities and to work toward social justice and equity. No matter what role she plays, she is always deliberative, mindful, and appreciative of relationships and people’s cultural backgrounds and experiences. She applies a human-centered approach to all her engagements.


At Community Science, Nia is involved in projects focused on youth leadership and development. She also provides technical assistance in evaluative thinking and data use to nonprofit organizations in New Orleans—where she resides—as part of a place-based, philanthropic initiative. As a capacity builder, she draws from experiences as a learning experience architect where she oversaw the development and implementation of education and training strategies to educate, equip, and empower leaders to become equity- and social justice-centered in their work; director of student support at the Delgado College where she conceptualized a successful coaching model for adult learners; and teacher, community outreach liaison, and evaluator for a variety of institutions. She has written and presented about capacity building strategies at conferences organized by the American Evaluation Association and the American Public Health Association.


Nia received a Master of Arts degree in Education and Health Promotion from the University of New Orleans. She is also certified as a racial and intersectional equity coach and trainer. In her free time, she enjoys spending time at festivals, attending live music performances, trying new foods, and traveling. Nia is also committed to patronizing and showcasing Black-owned businesses.


Examples of Publications and Presentations

  • Davis, N.K. (2022) Closing the Wealth Equity Gap through Home Ownership: Benefits for Families and Service Providers. Gadsden County Healthy Start Coalition Lunch and Learn. [Invited]
  • Davis, N. K. (2021) College and Career Readiness. St. John School Board. [Invited]
  • Power in Place Training. (2022). Converge Consulting. [Contributing Author]
  • An Assessment of Youth Mentorship and Development Evaluation Report. (2021). Written for Son of a Saint. [Primary Author]
  • Academy of Dreams Evaluation Report. (2014). Written for The Birthing Project. [Primary Author]
    Community Voices for a Healthier New Orleans Report and Evaluation. (2005). Written for Louisiana Public Health Institute. [Primary Author]
  • Youth-led Youth-Driven Philanthropy: Chartering a Course of Action for Katrina’s Youth Voice in the Rebuilding of Gulf Coast Communities. (2010). Operation REACH, Inc White Paper Series. [Contributing Author]
  • Davis, N.K. (2006) Driving Under the Influence Laws, Party Culture and College Students: Results from a New Orleans University. California Journal of Health Promotion, 4(2),132-138.


Examples of Projects

  • Evaluation of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation’s place-based investments in Mississippi and New Orleans, which includes evaluation capacity building and facilitation of peer learning among grantees.
  • Research study about youth in Connecticut who are disconnected from employment and schools, funded by the Dalio Foundation.