Andrea Epstein, MBA, MPP, Analyst, has vast experience in mixed methods and in particular qualitative research and analysis. Her work centers racial equity, and her areas of focus include children youth and family policy; programs that invest in women, girls, and nonbinary youth; justice system transformation, and health equity. She strongly believes that communities pushed to the margins of society have a deep understanding of their strengths and challenges and are best positioned to lead solutions that drive equitable change. Amplifying the voices and lived experiences of marginalized communities, and using a strength-based approach are essential pillars of her work.


Some of Andrea’s major accomplishments include research of early childcare policies and co-authorship of the report Innovative Federal Relief Funding on Childcare published in 2022 by the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation; coordination of youth and families’ enrollment in the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Massachusetts and assistance in evaluating the outcomes of this organization and its programs; research and analysis of federal and state marijuana policy on racial inequity, which resulted in the report Its Black and White: Analysis of Racial Inequities in Federal and State Marijuana Policy and Recommendations; support for the evaluation of a place-based “opportunity” youth grantmaking portfolio; and participation in the development of an evaluation design for a national operating foundation’s efforts to make progress toward health equity.


Andrea holds a Master’s degree in Business Management and a Master’s degree in Public Policy from The Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University. Andrea is relational, and thrives working in community and partnership with an array of stakeholders. She lives in Washington, DC and beyond her work, she loves cooking and enjoying a meal with friends and family, being near the water, and drawing and painting. She believes that dogs are family, and loves spending time exploring nature with her two pups Jackson and Charles.