Effective Strategy Development and Improvement
Strategy is the way that you think about the pathway to the changes you seek. We use a systematic practice of informing, acting, reflecting, and improving. Strategy development is an ongoing capacity building process, not a product. After decades of evaluating place-based and systems change strategies, our experts have learned what works and what doesn’t in different contexts.

Our Promise
Our clients will develop more effective, scalable, sustainable strategies for achieving greater equity and social justice. We take a systems approach to the problem and solutions by identifying areas where inequities occur, determining the appropriate levers of change, and engaging community leaders as partners. We also assist our clients assess trade offs, make hard decisions, and prioritize their actions. Our methods for strategy development—assessments, facilitation, coaching, monitoring, and rapid feedback and learning—are grounded in research- and practice-informed techniques.
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The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation sought to understand the demographic characteristics of the principal investigators and leaders of organizations that received its grants. Community Science is working with the foundation to develop, pilot, and administer surveys to capture the racial, ...
Banyan Communications wanted to build their internal capacity to identify the root cause of inequities in their company, have necessary uncomfortable conversations, so that they can determine what actionable choices are possible in their daily activities and decisions to practice ...
The Richmond Memorial Health Foundation (RMHF) launched the Collaboration, Community, and Peer Learning to Promote Health Equity with the goals of 1) supporting multi-entity, cross-sector collaboration; 2) meaningfully including community members in projects that promote health equity; 3) increasing understanding ...
For nearly 100 years, the National Urban League (NUL) has been devoted to empowering African Americans economically and socially through programs, advocacy, and research. In 2008, the NUL hired the Educational Testing Service (ETS) to develop an evaluation framework for ...
Community Science assisted the Annie E. Casey Foundation (AECF) in determining what they and other funders have learned and are experimenting with in order to create community changes that provide opportunities for children and their caregivers. The results of this ...
Community Science worked with the John S. and James L Knight Foundation to document and assess the impact of Crossroads Charlotte. Crossroads Charlotte is an initiative that began in 2001 when Charlotte, North Carolina, was one of 40 communities that ...
In 2003, Active Voice engaged Community Science to evaluate its New Americans Campaign, which used the stories of several immigrant families to provoke dialogue and exchange between immigrants and receiving communities. As part of this evaluation, Community Science interviewed Active ...
Community Science wrote a comprehensive paper for the Hill-Snowdon Foundation about the history and context for resident-led civic actions in the District of Columbia and the current infrastructure for resident-led community organizing and social justice efforts. The paper included case ...
Community Science designed and implemented an evaluation of the Alliance for Nonprofit Management’s Cultural Competency Initiative. The evaluation process determined the extent to which the initiative achieved its goals, while also generating knowledge about what it takes to increase the ...