Equitable Community Development

In the Beloved Community, caring and compassion drive political policies that support the worldwide elimination of poverty and hunger from all forms of bigotry and violence… [I]t is a goal that can be accomplished with courage and determination and through education and training if enough people are willing to make the necessary commitment. — Martin Luther King Jr.

Our Approach

Our approach to equitable community development can help bring about communities that are healthy, just, and resilient to harmful change and natural and other disasters. At the core is a sense of community where communities care about their members. We want fairness for those we care about; we want them to have all the opportunities and resources they need to thrive. Our focus is on the systemic and environmental disparities experienced by historically marginalized people because of their race and ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, disability, place of residents, and other attributes. We have firsthand experience and expertise in a variety of strategies used to promote economic security, health, and overall well-being for all. We believe that changing the systems and conditions that prevent people from thriving will require community members and their advocates to lead, organize, shift power, and drive the solutions.

How We Can Help

  • Conduct assessments and research and evaluation studies to uncover a community’s issues, needs, and assets, and to use the findings to inform community development strategies and solutions.

  • Facilitate the development and use of indicators and measures of equitable community development through literature reviews and consultation with people most affected by the work as well as with experts.
  • Synthesize and share lessons learned from the field, including write case studies of local and effective equitable community development models.
  • Advise and facilitate the development of equitable community development strategies.
  • Evaluate national and local initiatives intended to build and strengthen communities, organize communities, shift power, and advance equity and social justice.
  • Work with a community-based organization or local government to assess the sense of community within a community and between communities and use the results to inform the design and implementation of strategies to mobilize and organize people to take collective action and also, become more civically engaged.
  • Design and implement community engagement strategies, infrastructures, and processes that are culturally- and contextually responsive to the community members’ needs and aspirations, and at the same time, help to build their power to drive the change they want to see.
  • Evaluate community power and civic engagement initiatives.
Have questions? We have answers.

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