Conducting research interviews with young people who have faced significant life challenges—such as homelessness, intimate partner violence, or childhood abuse—requires a nuanced approach. Traditional research methods often fall short when capturing these youth’s authentic voices and lived experiences. The challenge lies in gathering meaningful data while ensuring that the interview setting is a safe, supportive, and empowering space for the participants.
What This Webinar Offers:
- Solving the Safe Space Dilemma: One of the most pressing challenges in youth research is creating an environment where participants feel comfortable sharing openly. We’ll guide you through proven strategies for establishing such spaces, both physically and emotionally.
- Best Practices for Meaningful Data: We will share nearly 25 field-tested best practices focusing on capturing authentic, meaningful data from young people navigating complex life circumstances. These aren’t just theoretical guidelines but actionable strategies you can implement immediately.
- Cultural Sensitivity in Research: In an increasingly diverse society, cultural responsiveness is not optional; it’s essential. We’ll provide the tools to tailor your research methods to be inclusive and effective across various cultural contexts.
- Empowering Funders, Nonprofit Organizations, and Other Groups: Research shouldn’t be a one-way street. We’ll show you how to conduct interviews that yield valuable data and empower you to use trauma-informed approaches to validate their experiences and perspectives.
The goal of this webinar is to equip foundations, nonprofits, and practitioners with the methodologies and tools they need to conduct research that is both impactful and ethical. This isn’t just about improving your data collection or enhancing the quality of research; it’s about making your research more human-centered and equitable, leading to meaningful and relevant insights to inform change strategies.
In this webinar, our Youth Leadership and Engagement Team discusses designing culturally responsive, trauma-informed, and humanizing youth-focused research.
Webinar Resources
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Alright, good afternoon everyone and welcome to our webinar designing research with intention, culturally responsive, trauma informed, and humanizing strategies to engage youth.
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So some of our key takeaways that we plan on speaking on today that we hope you take away from today’s webinar.
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It’s really some tips and strategies about how to humanize yourself when conducting research with youth, some strategies about meeting you where they are as you conduct this research with them and how space is in places matter in this research process.
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And then we like to end with what we call the 3 C’s confidentiality compliance and consent. So some critical critical aspects of conducting research and evaluation would youth.
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So our agenda for today is we’ll do a brief overview of our work. And a research project that we undertook.
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Some tips and strategies about humanizing yourself within this space, how to meet young people where they are, how spaces in places matter, did some tips on planning and logistics that maybe at the forefront of your mind throughout this process and as again as I mentioned we’re going to wrap up with the 3 Cs talking about confidentiality comfortability and consent and why those things are important when doing this type of work with youth.
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We will and have time for questions. So if you do have questions, we will have time for you all to present those questions with us.
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You can also use the chat box throughout this presentation. If you have questions and we’ll try to answer those questions throughout the webinar and then also again at the end of the webinar.
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So right here I did want to highlight our team here at Community Science and so our work focus is on equity and community engagement.
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Research and evaluation. And so just here on the screen, you can see a quick glance of our entire team here at Community Science and PCT partners.
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So today’s webinar will feature our youth leadership practice area team. And so on today’s webinar, we have Brandy Gilbert, who I would let everyone quickly introduce themselves before we get started.
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Hey everyone, we’re excited to see you today and to be talking with you on Brandy Gilbert.
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I’m one of the leads for the youth engagement practice area, community science, and excited to do with you.
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I’ll pass it to Daniel.
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Hello, Daniel Gilmour. I am also a part of these leadership engagement practice area. I do a lot of work around the qualitative research evaluation.
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Demonte, we already heard from him. So I guess I’ll hop over to Dante.
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Hello everyone, my name is Dante and I’m also for the youth development team. And I says, Danielle with the qualitative analysis.
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I’m glad to be here with you all today.
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Perfect, thank you. And we’re gonna pass things over to Brandy who is gonna get us off for today’s webinar.
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Thanks. Next slide, please. Hey again, everyone. Thank you for joining.
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We saw from your registration that many of you yourselves are leading work that involves young people centering the stories of young people and their experiences through research and evaluation.
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So again, we’re super excited to see you and to share some of our work today. So one of the research studies will be talking about as our recent project that we’re actually in the throws of right now.
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We’re in the process of collecting data. We’ve interviewed 60 young people that 60 young people so far for ages 14 to 26 they are based in different cities in Connecticut and they are currently not connected to school or work or other social supports.
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And our study really focuses about how young people survive and how they drive and also how they may. Get reconnected when they’re not connected to things like school work and social support.
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And at the bottom we have some key research questions and again this study is just a little bit about what we’re up to, particularly focus on adolescents and young adults.
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And that’s what we mean when we say youth are young people and it’s a study that we’ve had to be very thoughtful about.
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And engaging this population and being respectful and thoughtful and meaningful and useful as we approach this work for our partners and for the young people.
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We’re working with. Next slide. We’re gonna be talking again about these strategies that we shared on the front end, the first one that Daniel will share is about humanizing ourselves and just one note before we get started again that we are a full research team at community science.
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And the practices that we’re sharing are going to be reflecting things that we have done specifically to be responsive to young people in this project and it’s also helped to from all of us have past work with young people both research and evaluation so we bought those past experiences to continue at home just like you are likely.
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How we approach youth focus research and evaluation. Danielle?
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Thanks, Brandy. So, to Brandy’s point, we will be talking a little bit about how we can engage some youth and it’s really important when we’re doing this work to also recognize our own.
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Biases, cultural preferences, and even strengths and assets that we also might have at least bring to the work.
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And so when we’re doing some of this, we also need to be intentional about the ways in which we show up.
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So I’m going to talk a little bit about that.
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There’s 2 key components doing work and you’re engaging with young people. The first to think about is how to build authentic connections with these young people.
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A lot of times if you’re doing research, interviews, things like that, it is a short amount of time that you do have to build rapport with participants and so it is very important to spend time being intentional.
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And so some of the ways in which we worked on humanizing ourselves, which allow us to be intentional about how we show up, allows us to be a lot more relatable to participants.
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And so some of the things we consider are our dress code. What are we, you know, what are we wearing?
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Shoes the type of sneakers the brand we might have, right, if we’re going into a population that’s low income, maybe not wearing, you know, keeping those gocci sneakers at home, those types of things.
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Those very subtle things that help, to build connection when we show up. Also thinking about the ways in which we build.
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Report with young people in the initial engagements that we have with them. That can look at things like, you know, Talking about some of the things that we’re familiar with as well.
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So as a part of this engagement, it’s key when you’re building authenticity and you’re working on trying to create a space for people to feel vulnerable, that you also mirror the openness and the vulnerability in which you were asking from young people.
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And so some of the ways in which you can also build an authentic connection while thinking about ways to, you know, make us not seem like those big scary researchers, but humans just like you.
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Are things like those reciprocal disclosures you know how we greet participants and things like that and being mindful about what we share.
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Another component of this is also recognizing we are humans as well. We bring our whole selves to the work, especially for doing it right, until that can allow us to kind of venture into some emotional dynamics that can be, you know, quite challenging to navigate, especially if you’re dealing with a topic that is very sensitive.
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For example, when you’re talking about trauma or a very, you know, painful memory or a heavy charged emotion or a topic.
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And so it’s also important kind of as you are a researcher and you want to be present or even doing evaluation to be as neutral as possible to not, you know, compromise the integrity of the data because participants, they might start to show up and act differently if they know that maybe something that you were saying might have been that, you know, they’re worried that they might offend you.
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Or they might be worried that if something that they say might feel like they’re being judged. You know, or maybe something that they’re sharing.
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Is upsetting you visibly. It also begins to affect your data integrity because it then starts to affect the ways in which participants might be gathering some of that data.
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So specifically when we’re thinking about building off the 2 connection. You know, it really the ways in which you show up and how your present matter.
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Even in situations where It is a casual or is quote unquote more low stakes. You do have to recognize that as a researcher or someone who’s doing evaluation, there is often a perceived power dynamic between the participants and the person who is doing some of the data collection.
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And so that’s why it’s really important to kind of think about even that initial impression of how you’re greeting them and the ways in which you can share about yourself.
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And as you’re navigating some of these emotional dynamics. Keeping in mind ways it can be.
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Things for your team that are self-soothing or grounding activities and so really thinking about how this shows up in your work and the ways in which you can incorporate techniques that allow your team to participate in some of these activities.
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So for us breathing techniques is a big part of what we do because it’s something that’s very subtle that you can do while you’re triggered.
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Or if you’re experiencing an intense emotion and a lot of times it does not something that might necessarily.
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Let on and so also thinking about that post-care interview work as well when you are navigating difficult conversations.
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And so these are some of the ways in which you start to think about how we can humanize your team.
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Brandy will talk a little bit more about how this can show up for youth and young people.
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Things, and something that I should have added on the front end Daniel is a little bit more about why you might be talking about these strategies is that this study as well as other studies that we’ve worked on felt focus on different levels of systems engagement.
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So in this case, we’re talking to young people who may have had past experience with the criminal justice system or juvenile justice system.
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Foster care. Health system in different ways in terms of physical and mental health. As well as leaving one out foster care criminal justice.
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I’m leaving. Thank you. And education systems, including those because this study focused on young people who were no longer in school, so many of them have left school before finishing their high school graduation.
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Or. Might have different range of different experiences with school. We’ve also done pass work. I know myself with young people who have experienced disasters and they’re in disaster recovery phase, young people who are experiencing actively food insecurity.
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So I think to point to the reason Daniel while you’re sharing some of these strategies is because many of the experiences that the young people are willing to share with us to help to learn.
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And build research and evidence and form programs, practices, policies, and things. Does have a very sensitive nature.
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So you talked a little bit about what it looks like from the researchers perspective. And next, I’m gonna share a little bit about what our team has done.
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To think about how we make that a good experience, not only for ourselves and thinking about how we handle our team and us.
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This researches and evaluators, but also how we handle kind of the look, the field, the experience for young people that we might have, especially like you said, Daniel, that we have a very short time to build rapport in some of these cases because we don’t have a longer-term relationship with all of the young people who we’ve been in with different studies.
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Next slide, please.
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So some of this is thinking about what does, so in this case we’re using qualitative data and having an interview process one on one or sometimes the team of 2 talking to one or 2 young people.
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This has looked like for us an interview where it’s conversational. We’re really focusing on being present.
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So for us that means a total lockdown. Excuse me, of being in that space we’re not checking our cell phones.
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We don’t have our computers up. We don’t have our email, no outside sort of distractions.
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We also have made an active choice on our team to not take notes while people are talking. And I know in other studies that we lead, we’re typing, typing, typing away, especially when we’re talking to maybe people who are leads of organizations or different types of things where they’re so used to people typing as I talk it’s nothing but for young people we should made it act the choice not to
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be typing during their know their discussion because we don’t want that to feel like 2 things. One, we don’t want it to feel like any past engagement with systems like maybe criminal justice systems or people getting information, taking information, talking about things that are challenging.
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And 2, we want to be careful about. Kind of the power dynamics and just that instead having open conversation.
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Again, where we’re active listener and similar to Daniel, but you were sharing, it’s like we’re being mindful of our body language.
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We’re thinking about what people share with us and we’re showing empathy, but we’re not sort of showing shock or shutting down.
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And people have told us some very sensitive things. I mean from things around child abuse, engagement and things around child abuse, engagement and crime and things around child abuse, engagement and crime and all any kind of scary crazy sad thing that you might think could come up has the many times come up and our password but still again showing empathy for those situations and not having that kind of sort of shock value.
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We also do this and how we think about just even building an interview guide from the beginning. So first starting with an interview script.
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And that script has on the front end rapport builders and even this team has had discussions about when do you use Report Builder.
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So for us in this study, the report builders we use are things like, what’s your favorite food or your place your favorite place to eat close by since we’re talking about local communities?
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Or what do you love most about living here? And then some of our team has said like I don’t use those report builders.
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I don’t really like them. I just like to have like national conversation sometimes that’s already flowing before the audio recorder is on.
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So you have kind of preferences there but we all agree that rapport building has to happen in the beginning.
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The second thing is like for this study in particular, there’s a lot of questions about relationships. So asking young people to talk about.
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Who’s around them in their community. And in their family and their household, what is their their relationships look like and we tend to both relationships that are positive and supportive as well as relationships that might be riskier and not so helpful for a young person.
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Then we sort of transition. So again, like whatever your topic might be, this is like a build up for us.
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So in particular, because we know that systems like talking about foster care, juvenile justice, health, those things as could be challenging for some people.
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It’s further along in the interview guide. So then we ask those questions and then on the back end.
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When we’re getting further along our interview. We’re getting to things about goals and aspirations of young people.
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And again, that is purposeful because we’re ending and throughout we’re approaching through asset and strength base framing, even when we’re talking about challenging topics.
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So we want to be ending on that positive note, nothing young people, what are their goals, where do they see themselves?
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Where they headed and what supports they need to be getting there.
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And here we also talk a little bit about how we meet people where they are. So some of that is we tend to things around our participants.
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So really being responsive soon, like what does a young person who’s 14 to 26 in our case, what do they need to show up?
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And we I ask you to think about that you know for the the work that you do too what do young people need to show up and sometimes we know what all those things are.
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And we go into a study and sometimes we don’t, but then when we see them, we’re responsive to them.
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So for instance, we have transportation sometimes we are helping people get Uber or Lyft. To us sometimes the partners that we work with are helping young people to transport them but we know that that’s an important thing.
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Also, when we first started the interviews, they were mostly during the day. And then we move to more evening and our team also has openness to weekend interviews, although for this most recent project we haven’t started that.
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Another thing, Daniel, you talked a little bit about emotional support, but another thing is we always have a lot of food with us.
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And sometimes people only eat a little and sometimes they eat all of it. 2 people eat all of it sometimes even, but we always want to be prepared even if it means another person might run out and get some more things.
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You want to make sure nobody’s hungry or thirsty when they’re talking to us. Or if they don’t feel comfortable eating or breaking bread with us, they take something on the way out the door after talking for an hour.
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So that’s really important. And then next gender selection, so because some of our questions around relationships.
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Also talk about violence, including sexual violence. Finding that some of the young women we talk to don’t feel as comfortable when they’re talking to a male team.
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Team member of ours. So having gender parent options where we always have both male and female interviewers on our team who are available.
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And at the bottom here are some strategies that we’ve also used for adapting our interview guide based on developmental stage for us we have a wide age range that’s within our study and we understand that some people who are on the younger spectrum of that age range might need a little bit more scaffolding and they their stories might Go in lots of different places and that’s okay.
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So we’re sort of rolling with them also we recognize that young people sometimes their schedules are complex so that means they might show up and suddenly a friend calls them or family member calls them they need to leave or they need to answer a call.
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And that’s totally okay. And be saying, do whatever you need. Come back, stay, take a break and sometimes people are They seem surprised that we are that responsive to them, but we consider that an expectation to be in that space and to do that work that we have to be responsive and we can’t be as rigid as if maybe we were interviewing let’s say social workers during their job at
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2 PM. On a Tuesday that they would be there it would start on time it would last hour all those kinds of things are a little bit different when we’re working with younger population especially one that has lots of complexities for some young people.
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And I see we have lots of questions in the chat too. Maybe some of them are related to some recent things.
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Around recruitment and research. Maximizing, not taking notes during interviews. So we’re also going to be responsive to these questions to.
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We’ll take a beat in a second and start to respond to them. So another thing is managing triggers.
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So Daniel, you talked a little bit about how we as researchers and evaluators might manage those triggers for ourselves.
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It’s also about helping young people to manage triggers. So sometimes if you young person might be sharing something that’s difficult for them to talk about.
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We might. You help them use self students, I think. So reminding them, like, it’s okay to take a deep breath.
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Or we might pause ourselves, which creates a pause in the interview and just kind of breathe with them. Again, show empathy, allow for breaks, have tissues.
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Now we have a bag of supplies or we always have tissues. I don’t know why on our first trip we didn’t, but we do now in every bag research bag.
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We have tissues with our snacks and our drinks and everything. And again we remind people that they can stop at any time and we also have virtual options especially for those people who are 18 and over to have virtual options, especially for those people who are 18 and over to loop back in and talk to us later if they need a little break.
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So lastly. I’m gonna share about meeting people where they are in terms of what experience that we’ve had in our recent study is having young people who have children who are with them during with time of the research.
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And so in some cases the partners that we’ve worked with have been able to provide childcare and already have that setting in place.
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And children are in those settings, but in other cases, young people come to participate in the study and they might have a young child with them.
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So in the beginning we didn’t have processes for this and we didn’t expect this many children to be around as there were.
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And then our team develops again. This is just about being responsive, develop these protocols for what do we do if there are children in the room and this came from things that we found ourselves doing in the moment but one thing that we all encourage you all to do is if you find yourself doing something in the moment keeps coming up to make this a process.
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So after a couple of us were having young children, our interviews, we came back together and said, hey, I’m seeing this.
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This is what I’ve did. What did you do? So together we came up with these terms that now, not only do we have tissues, we have toys.
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We have toys, we have coloring sheets, we print them again, Daniel, she usually prints them before each research trip.
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We, I buy Plato, before each research trip, we now also have digit spinners, which can be for kids or also adults wanting something to digit with too and we’re flexible so that means the children are in the room we don’t ask questions about sexual trauma and things like that that we would in our other interviews.
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Or we might ask them, sometimes the children are in and out of the room space. We might ask them when the children are not in their room, but then we wouldn’t continue that discussion.
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If they came in. And then we’re also super flexible. So this means that I know I’ve personally been in interviews and times where I’m like holding a baby on the side while mother can be more focused on talking to me.
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So I’m double, you know, double tasking, but she’s not. Or I’m grabbing a bottle of water so mother can make formula.
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People are changing. I mean there are lots of things going on and we’re just being responsive to our whether that means brakes or other supplies or whatever that means, brakes or other supplies or whatever that might be.
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Perfect. Thank you, Brandy. So next we want to kind of talk about Designing your research intention with the understanding that spaces in places matter where you conduct these researches, this research.
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So the environment and climate in which your interviews take place matters and it matters a lot. And that’s for safety reasons, for comfortability for yourself, for the participants who are going to be engaged in that research, and just for logistics and logistical reasons.
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And so in instances where you are collecting data regarding sincere topics such as those that Brandy has shared that we’re covering.
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In this particular study, that’s our related to health issues, social challenges, or the use interactions with different systems, meeting these young people in familiar places and settings that they are used to can allow for them to discuss these issues.
00:25:10.000 –> 00:25:27.000
More openly and honestly and freely and feel comfortable in doing that. And so we encourage you all to kind of be mindful at all times of the spaces and places that you are planning to conduct your interviews in.
00:25:27.000 –> 00:25:47.000
Really to help. Minimize the potential of adding additional stress stressors or pressure or psychological distress to your participants and really reduce that chance of potentially placing the youth in a unsafe or unhealthy place or environment.
00:25:47.000 –> 00:25:54.000
And ought to be compromising their own privacy safety and the sensitivity of that conversation. And so when we say space matters, that is physically, that’s mentally and that’s emotionally.
00:25:54.000 –> 00:26:16.000
I’m so really trying to be mindful of it from all those different lenses and aspects. And so Really, when we’re thinking about that physical space, ensuring that you have selected and chosen a space that is safe and welcoming.
00:26:16.000 –> 00:26:22.000
For the use well being during that entire interview process and reducing those instances where you can cause those additional traumas.
00:26:22.000 –> 00:26:32.000
And I’ll give examples of each of these after we go through too. And then when we’re thinking about this mental, we’re thinking about.
00:26:32.000 –> 00:26:43.000
Making sure that that space that you are in is comfortable for the youth. There’s no life-threatening circumstances or safety.
00:26:43.000 –> 00:26:55.000
Concerns that put their youth at risk from being in that place. And when we talk about places and spaces, it’s not just the actual physical brick and mortar, but thinking about taking in context the name.
00:26:55.000 –> 00:27:03.000
So thinking about the youth that we’re working with. Some of them are affiliated with different gangs or from certain sides of the city.
00:27:03.000 –> 00:27:12.000
And so being mindful that it may not be safe for you from one part of the city to come to another side of the city to engage in these interviews and conversations.
00:27:12.000 –> 00:27:26.000
So being mindful of that to reduce those added pressures and stressors and anxiety that may come with acting someone to come to a different part of the city that they’re not familiar with or that they have had prior.
00:27:26.000 –> 00:27:35.000
Occurrences of issues or trauma. Then also focusing on that emotional piece. When you’re working with the youth.
00:27:35.000 –> 00:27:55.000
And so when we’re talking about the emotional piece, it’s really creating an environment that is emotionally open and emotionally acceptable to use and still providing them in a space that is safe for them emotionally to share their feelings, especially given the topics and conversations that we will be talking about in those spaces.
00:27:55.000 –> 00:28:08.000
So some of those examples when we’re thinking about that physical place again is the locations and organizations that you’re working with in your youth that you’re using to either help recruit or host you for those interviews.
00:28:08.000 –> 00:28:28.000
And some of the places that we found to be the most safe and opening for those youth have been places such as community centers, nonprofits in the local community, the schools, the libraries and other youth serving organizations have been places that you typically are comfortable with and comfortable being in.
00:28:28.000 –> 00:28:36.000
And when we’re focusing on that mental piece, really thinking about the inclusion of mentally relaxing activities and objects on site during the interview.
00:28:36.000 –> 00:28:44.000
And so Brandy and Daniel kind of touched on this a little bit and you’ll probably keep hearing this a lot because we learned throughout this process that this was really important and the youth really enjoyed it.
00:28:44.000 –> 00:29:03.000
So using things such as fidget sprinters, the stress balls having the covering book materials, we found youth of all ages actually have used these materials and really taken likeness to these materials and so really using them within your study.
00:29:03.000 –> 00:29:04.000
And they took them home. They like them so much.
00:29:04.000 –> 00:29:11.000
Okay, and they take them home. Yeah. That was one that we was not expecting to that we’re constantly restocking at because they do take them home.
00:29:11.000 –> 00:29:19.000
Marked at the end of most of my interviews. They were like, can I take this home with me?
00:29:19.000 –> 00:29:20.000
00:29:20.000 –> 00:29:31.000
And so. We allow them to take them with them. And then on their emotional side, the process of directly connecting participants to social services, resources shall they request it.
00:29:31.000 –> 00:29:52.000
So there has been instances where after going through our interview guide with the youth, a lot of you, tell us like, you know, this made me think about things in a way that I’ve never thought about or it was helpful to actually just talk about this and talk through this because I never really fully talked through this or I’ve never shared this with anyone else and they’ve reached a point where now they want to get connected
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with social services. And so instead of just leave them, and say, hey, we can give you a contact or we can give you a car.
00:29:58.000 –> 00:30:05.000
We can give you a website. We directly connect them. Right then and there at the end of the interview with social services supports.
00:30:05.000 –> 00:30:24.000
So every location. That we do our interviews in. We have someone on site from a local nonprofit that we can connect them with, whether that be the social worker or case manager who was able to then get them connected to resources in their local community because we don’t want to place that burden back on them to be the ones to have to reach out to do those connections.
00:30:24.000 –> 00:30:31.000
So we like to do that directly. Hands on right then and there.
00:30:31.000 –> 00:30:36.000
Thank you. So now I’m going to be talking about the designing research within. With intention around planning and logistics.
00:30:36.000 –> 00:30:49.000
So basically when designing within tension around logistic and involves very capital planning to ensure that the study runs smoothly and ethically.
00:30:49.000 –> 00:31:10.000
This basically encompasses like does make sure that you have the appropriate tools. The appropriate methods and then also considering like specific needs of the research population, a little bit of the things that the Provided just a little bit more information on basically around this is this place about like paying a teaching to details.
00:31:10.000 –> 00:31:20.000
I’m using user friendly platforms and streamlining streamlining communication that all creates like a inclusive and respective.
00:31:20.000 –> 00:31:33.000
Respectable. Research environment. And then when we think about like these logistical like considerations, this also extends like the ethical handling of like the sensitive information and then like on the sensitive information.
00:31:33.000 –> 00:31:50.000
And then like on the bay said like also looking at the providing support to these participants, like also looking at the providing support to these participants such as, you know, like, Debate said, like also looking at the, providing support to these participants, such as, you know, strategies and I also have like these incentives and then also connected them with these case workers or these nonprofits just to make sure that
00:31:50.000 –> 00:31:58.000
we enhance the overall experiences of the participants. And then when thinking about the thoughtful. Trying to be thoughtful around like the logistics.
00:31:58.000 –> 00:32:13.000
This also helps us as researchers execute like the stuff that we’re trying to find this study effectively but also prioritizing the well being of the people and then also enhancing that engagement.
00:32:13.000 –> 00:32:20.000
So here we have like these 4 little buckets around like the local organizational support, technological support.
00:32:20.000 –> 00:32:39.000
Then thinking about the best practices for interviewing and then like no taking guidance. Divante talked a little bit about like that the agency or the organization will support so basically what we considered or what we’ve done was we have these meetings beforehand.
00:32:39.000 –> 00:32:50.000
With these agencies, these nonprofits or these partners to ask them about like their space, you know, talk about some safety protocols because we want to ensure that we’re stepping into.
00:32:50.000 –> 00:32:56.000
A place where we can be comfortable as well as we want the people that are the participants that are doing these interviews to be comfortable as well.
00:32:56.000 –> 00:32:59.000
So we wanna ensure that we, do that, I guess, like, 24 to 48 h before hand.
00:32:59.000 –> 00:33:17.000
Just for we can have some prep time and then they can have some prep time as well. Then thinking about you know also respecting like their norms and their and then like how Daniel said like talking about like the dress codes but do we just again it’s all about safety.
00:33:17.000 –> 00:33:23.000
When thinking about like, the support that we’re looking from looking for from these agencies.
00:33:23.000 –> 00:33:47.000
Then looking at the technological support. This is basically where we think about like the consent forms like say we do have like physical fits in forms but say we have a participant that their parent, like their, I guess like minor so we have people that are under the age of 18.
00:33:47.000 –> 00:34:07.000
We also have these concept forms that could be sent virtually through Docusign. So we make sure that we have this platform already set up and it’s easily accessible through email and it’s also accessible through text message but we want to make sure that they have the opportunity to be able to share their voice to share their experiences.
00:34:07.000 –> 00:34:12.000
So we want to ensure that their parents. Can have this consent just to make sure that everything is.
00:34:12.000 –> 00:34:23.000
Ethically, approved. And then thinking about. Like the virtual zooms we do offer that as well so we make sure that the platform is ready up and ready to go.
00:34:23.000 –> 00:34:32.000
We also have a tag phone or not a cat phone side. We also have a study phone which is a basically on us.
00:34:32.000 –> 00:34:46.000
Different provider but we provide this home for if they need any resources if they want to set up any interviews and then we can also connect them to these agencies or these nonprofits to ensure that they get the support that they need.
00:34:46.000 –> 00:35:00.000
We also get talking about like incentives we also do virtual gift cards if they do something virtually and then we also have physical gift cards so we want to ensure that the people are getting compensated for their time.
00:35:00.000 –> 00:35:25.000
I’m thinking about that. And then when thinking about like the best practices around interviewing, things that we considered was when we do these interviews with most likely we’re doing audio audio recordings so basically don’t do the visuals but we want to ensure that we get all the information that we could get so we don’t turn off their recordings until the participant leaves the room.
00:35:25.000 –> 00:35:39.000
Because we found that when we’re doing like this record building. You know after the interview the participants they they wanted to continue talking and then a lot of the stuff that they say at the end of these interviews are still relevant to the interview.
00:35:39.000 –> 00:35:49.000
So we want to ensure that we capture everything. Another thing that we considered was also happened. Multiple recorders having multiple devices to make sure that we.
00:35:49.000 –> 00:36:04.000
Have some backups just in case one fails. And then thinking about the recording. So right after the interview is over, We want to ensure that we upload it to a Sharepoint or whatever platform that you have to store all the information.
00:36:04.000 –> 00:36:15.000
And then we also have a, we upload those recordings to a transcription portal. And then when you think about having like a third party transcription.
00:36:15.000 –> 00:36:38.000
Service you want to ensure that they also sign a confidentiality agreement just to ensure that everyone’s information is safe and we also include that within like our report building or, we also include that within like our, report building or, in the beginning of these interviews just to ensure that they are comfortable with sharing information and they won’t get out to anyone.
00:36:38.000 –> 00:36:48.000
And then when thinking about the note taking guidance, if we do invite the recording. We want to make sure that we have like these timestamps where we can capture like the key quotes.
00:36:48.000 –> 00:37:01.000
The examples, the content. And then thinking about like. When we’re taking these notes that we we stop taking notes when we’re talking about like system interactions, but we also provide the option to stop.
00:37:01.000 –> 00:37:11.000
Recording if the information or if the topic gets too sensitive or the participant just to continue that comfortably.
00:37:11.000 –> 00:37:16.000
That to make sure that they’re comfortable. And then when we think about like the non-recorded interviews.
00:37:16.000 –> 00:37:29.000
One of the best things that we did consider is like trying to find that balance between capturing the content and documenting verbatim and then paraphrasing and then capturing those keynotes.
00:37:29.000 –> 00:37:38.000
But just also just ensuring that we get everything, but we don’t want to. Make the participant uncomfortable without.
00:37:38.000 –> 00:37:44.000
The information. So I’ll pass someone too, Kenya.
00:37:44.000 –> 00:37:49.000
And before we move on, thanks so much,ante. I know we’re getting lots of questions in our queue.
00:37:49.000 –> 00:37:55.000
So, Daniel, maybe before we move on to your final section, we can address some of those questions.
00:37:55.000 –> 00:38:00.000
And one of them, related to what you were just sharing about, you know, taking a transcription.
00:38:00.000 –> 00:38:11.000
There’s a question here that says what tips you have for recapping. And maximizing what you remember when you did not take notes certain interviews so maybe you could share how we how we approach that.
00:38:11.000 –> 00:38:12.000
00:38:12.000 –> 00:38:34.000
One of the things that we’ve done and that we practice at community science as well is like having some mini debris after their nephews so you know talking with one of the other people that are doing your interviews and just discussing like what we heard and then seeing if there’s some common things that we hear across the whole study or the all the interviews that be done in the day.
00:38:34.000 –> 00:38:43.000
It’s like one thing and then also, when we do have, we have like our little nephew guys and there’s a few things that we can capture.
00:38:43.000 –> 00:38:58.000
There’s like some quick little key like quotes that we remember. But I think the most important thing is just having those little 5 to 10 min deep reefs with your interview partners just to ensure that we hear the same things.
00:38:58.000 –> 00:39:01.000
The things that I need to, so. I don’t know.
00:39:01.000 –> 00:39:11.000
Yes. I would, yeah, absolutely. I would also add that just because you’re not taking notes during the interview doesn’t mean you can’t take notes at all.
00:39:11.000 –> 00:39:31.000
So one thing that I do if you if your schedule allows and it’s possible and you have enough time between interviews doing a quick 1015 min debrief memo, brain dump, you know, where you kind of write out or type out some of the things that you, you know, stood out to you quotes your general impressions while everything is still fresh.
00:39:31.000 –> 00:39:41.000
If you’re, if you’re in the field, which we are a lot of times when we’re doing these interviews, we actually do verbal or voice kind of journaling as well or voice memos.
00:39:41.000 –> 00:39:48.000
Which we can then also have transcribed or we can review later for notes, which is another way that we.
00:39:48.000 –> 00:39:56.000
Also kind of help to hold that information and still capture it while it’s fresh even though we might not have wrote it down during the interview.
00:39:56.000 –> 00:40:05.000
I’ll also add to that even if your full team may not always be on every data collection trip, that doesn’t mean you can’t talk to them.
00:40:05.000 –> 00:40:11.000
So there’s been many times after interview where I’m like I’ll be on a phone call brandy and it’s like let’s talk through this.
00:40:11.000 –> 00:40:25.000
Here are some of the things that I’ve heard or brandy is like these are some of the things that I heard in my interview and so there’s multiple ways to make sure that you are one sharing that knowledge across your team about some of those things that you learned and some of those things that you’re hearing, but making sure that we’re also documenting it.
00:40:25.000 –> 00:40:40.000
And each of us actually have kind of our own, document where we are constantly updating it since the beginning of the study of like different things that we’ve heard and seen throughout these interviews too.
00:40:40.000 –> 00:41:01.000
Thank you. And then I wanna also cover a few more. So there’s one that Daniel answered inside the chat about, reciprocal disclosure and what ways you sort of share information about yourself that doesn’t center you and the team too much and there’s a similar question about can you talk about how the balance between showing empathy and being neutral.
00:41:01.000 –> 00:41:04.000
I’ll put that out to the team.
00:41:04.000 –> 00:41:09.000
Yeah, so I can just, you know, expand a little bit more on in the chat. Some of the things that I said.
00:41:09.000 –> 00:41:28.000
Ways that I like to do this is by looking for commonality. So I kind of like to compare it to that conversation you have in the elevator where you know you only got a couple of minutes before your floor so you’re not you know, opening your life story to this person, but it’s still, you know, enough conversation for things to flow.
00:41:28.000 –> 00:41:40.000
So that could look like, oh, you know, part of the report, one of our report bills or questions for this particular study was asking people what their favorite restaurant is or the thing that they like to eat.
00:41:40.000 –> 00:41:50.000
You know, in the. In their area and so it can be you know as simple as oh I’ve been to that restaurant too I really like it and you know you continuously divert back to the.
00:41:50.000 –> 00:41:56.000
And so the ways in which you are weaving in and showing those disclosures help to build connection, but then still continue to bring it back to the participant.
00:41:56.000 –> 00:42:13.000
Yes, I really like that place. The food is great. Tell me about your favorite time there. Right, and so you use that to pivot into the next probe or into, you know, another leverage point that allows you to build connection.
00:42:13.000 –> 00:42:21.000
I would say a lot of those same veins that’s kind of very similar to the question around balancing being empathetic while being neutral.
00:42:21.000 –> 00:42:32.000
So empathy is the ability to really put yourself in somebody else’s shoes is perspective taking. And it also is a way that allows people to feel comfortable.
00:42:32.000 –> 00:42:41.000
There’s lots of ways you can do this. Some of the things we talked about already, you know, the dressing, you know, mutual sharing being flexible.
00:42:41.000 –> 00:42:52.000
But I think the most important thing to remember when you’re thinking about empathy versus neutrality is that when you are.
00:42:52.000 –> 00:43:01.000
Relating to someone and showing them that they that you understand what they’re going through that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re taking a position.
00:43:01.000 –> 00:43:11.000
Right, so for example. A quick, I don’t know, icebreaker could be, you know, something like.
00:43:11.000 –> 00:43:19.000
You know, they might say something and then you can respond with like, instead of saying something like.
00:43:19.000 –> 00:43:26.000
I completely agree with you. I don’t like that place either, right? You can say something that would be, you know, taking a side.
00:43:26.000 –> 00:43:31.000
Versus being neutral where you can say something like, I agree with you, I hear what you’re saying, right?
00:43:31.000 –> 00:43:37.000
And so instead of taking a positionality of like, I agree, I disagree, or using language that has judgment.
00:43:37.000 –> 00:43:39.000
Passing in it, whether that is that doesn’t sound right or maybe that is too much or that’s a lot, right?
00:43:39.000 –> 00:43:52.000
Once you start to use words that are very descriptive. Versus questions. A lot of times.
00:43:52.000 –> 00:44:02.000
Empathetic statements that might take positions are often statements. But there are ways you can do that, like that must be really hard for you.
00:44:02.000 –> 00:44:07.000
Thank you so much for sharing. That with me. Right, those are ways to validate someone’s experience.
00:44:07.000 –> 00:44:18.000
While showing empathy and also. Avoiding aligning your experiences or your emotions or your feelings or offering a solution.
00:44:18.000 –> 00:44:29.000
And so those are some of the ways in which we try to be mindful. And then of course, I would say another point in which you see this is when you ask clarifying questions.
00:44:29.000 –> 00:44:40.000
Or probing. And so if you are doing this in an empathetic way. Somebody might have an unclear response and so you could say things that really.
00:44:40.000 –> 00:44:47.000
Help you to understand where they’re coming from. So you lean in with understanding. Can you speak a little bit more?
00:44:47.000 –> 00:44:50.000
Say more, please. Right. And being neutral while doing that allows you to do that in a way that’s non-leading.
00:44:50.000 –> 00:45:03.000
So not biasing by saying Oh, it sounds like you felt sad. Is that true? Versus tell me how you feel about that.
00:45:03.000 –> 00:45:10.000
And so those are some ways in which you can remain empathetic and still be neutral. I’m sure.
00:45:10.000 –> 00:45:13.000
You all have lots of other ways.
00:45:13.000 –> 00:45:21.000
And also I wanted to drop in just a few more questions too. There are a few back to back questions about the virtual space also.
00:45:21.000 –> 00:45:28.000
And to share that we we have not actually ended up using the virtual space in this study in particular. We have had other studies where we’ve done interviews with young people virtually.
00:45:28.000 –> 00:45:47.000
We have done interviews with Gil people virtually. We have designed full, a full set of processes for virtual interviews and, there were some questions, full set of processes for virtual interviews and there were some questions around tips and things for virtual interviews and, there were some questions around tips and things and what we focused on is what you can attain from the virtual space.
00:45:47.000 –> 00:45:53.000
So still reading of the body language, leaning in and being careful of how we use our own body language, reading social cues from other people.
00:45:53.000 –> 00:46:03.000
Also, if there are any filters in the background, understanding what might be going on in the background, maybe asking someone if they’re okay or if they have a break, if they need a break.
00:46:03.000 –> 00:46:12.000
So some of those similar things. Another one is connection to support. So even if someone might be virtual, what Devonte had shared about.
00:46:12.000 –> 00:46:21.000
Still finding ways that they’re interested in having some connections or making those that we would help to facilitate those no matter whether they’re virtual or in person.
00:46:21.000 –> 00:46:25.000
Anything else you all want to add about the virtual space?
00:46:25.000 –> 00:46:32.000
Yes, so recently I took some facilitation trainings around specifically engaging youth and young people in creative ways and some of that did talk about doing that in the virtual space.
00:46:32.000 –> 00:46:46.000
So I’ll talk a little bit more about this when we get to the comfortability piece, but some of the things you can do, which you’ve talked about, you know, using platforms that young people are already familiar with.
00:46:46.000 –> 00:46:50.000
You can still also engage in those rapport building icebreakers. And they can be interactive.
00:46:50.000 –> 00:47:08.000
We have used Mentimeter before in the past. I’ve used cahooped before, which is another one that a lot of educators use and so there are software that you can allow people to do polls in real time if it’s a focus group or an interview.
00:47:08.000 –> 00:47:09.000
00:47:09.000 –> 00:47:18.000
There’s also ways that you can do visual engagement. You might have someone, you know, drop a a meme or a, you know, an emoji relating to how they’re feeling.
00:47:18.000 –> 00:47:29.000
You know, those are some of the ways in which you can start to break it up. I would also say that a lot of times we think that we have to throw everything that we know about facilitation or everything that we know about, you know, research and evaluation and data collection when we do virtual, but we don’t necessarily have to do that.
00:47:29.000 –> 00:47:46.000
So you could even still make use of the physical space. Ask the person, you know, it might be an, it might be an interaction where you ask the person, let’s stand up, let’s sit down.
00:47:46.000 –> 00:47:54.000
Let’s, stand to the left or just the right if you have this preference. And so just in the same ways that you could potentially work with an audience in a physical space.
00:47:54.000 –> 00:48:07.000
You can do some of that in a virtual space as well. And then I would say the most important thing for virtual spaces when you’re thinking about ways to engage youth is about how to engage people with different.
00:48:07.000 –> 00:48:17.000
Language and readability. And so one of the things that I also recommend is a Flynn icebreaker is a gesture game where you actually don’t use any sound at all.
00:48:17.000 –> 00:48:24.000
And so it doesn’t matter what the language. For efficiency or the readability of your participants are.
00:48:24.000 –> 00:48:44.000
You, you can do one where for instance, I might, pour some tea into a cup and I sit in my cup and then I pass it over to Dante and he would take the cup, sip it, and then he might crumple that into a ball and create a baseball bat that he hits over to brandy and everyone kind of plays around and that’s the that’s one of the ways in which
00:48:44.000 –> 00:48:55.000
you can start to engage youth in some virtual ways that are. Allow for it to kind of remain feeling more casual and a little less like a telehealth appointment.
00:48:55.000 –> 00:48:56.000
Thank you. Oh, go ahead.
00:48:56.000 –> 00:49:03.000
Oh no, Brandy, I was actually gonna throw it to you. I was gonna say, Brandy, if you want to talk about this because I see multiple questions about kind of the finance piece of how did we come up with the dollar amount and what that piece looks like.
00:49:03.000 –> 00:49:22.000
Yeah. Yes. Yep, I was just gonna raise those next about compensation and safety protocols is where I was thinking we go next so compensation we at community science have done a lot of research around compensation, in particular this seem wrong youth.
00:49:22.000 –> 00:49:28.000
I personally say I can’t find any good stuff, just like the China saying about like what are standards.
00:49:28.000 –> 00:49:37.000
What I’ve leaned toward using in these past few years is $20 per hour. And for the things we do, we try to think about like what is the commitment realistically.
00:49:37.000 –> 00:49:44.000
So for instance, with our community advisor group with young people, we pay $20 per hour and it’s about a five-hour monthly commitment.
00:49:44.000 –> 00:49:53.000
So we pay, you know, that all. You know, at one time. Plus we have some additional, funding from like discretionary transportation, that kind of thing.
00:49:53.000 –> 00:50:15.000
For these and our views we’ve done $50 gift cards. So because they are mostly in person so I think of that as kind of like it’s about a two-hour commitment depending on how long the interview goes, question time to get there and back and then I’m kind of rounding up because I feel a little weird about giving someone $40 just me personally and I my personal status is also to like round up if
00:50:15.000 –> 00:50:25.000
you think you’re a little bit off roundup because you’re asking people to share their trauma to do things that are inconvenient to maybe go to a place they don’t, they prefer not to go.
00:50:25.000 –> 00:50:31.000
So I like to use like the roundup when you can and especially when the budget can hold it.
00:50:31.000 –> 00:50:34.000
I also want to mention, cause there was a question about, is it the same, is it a standard rate flat rate across?
00:50:34.000 –> 00:50:46.000
No matter if they finish the interview or not, they do receive $50, the $50 gift car, no matter how long their interview did go.
00:50:46.000 –> 00:51:06.000
Yeah, and we also usually do if it’s a smaller amount we’ve done cash in the past these $50 I feel like it’s a little bit high especially in these situations to give someone cash so we’re doing gift cards and the other thing that we’ve done in some other studies is investing in a local place, but has to be like a good place that people would actually want to go to and to me
00:51:06.000 –> 00:51:14.000
that’s not clear. Then cash is king.
00:51:14.000 –> 00:51:15.000
00:51:15.000 –> 00:51:34.000
For virtual, we’ve we’ve done Tango, which is a service that actually allows participants to choose which gift card they would like so they get a 50 they get $50 in the bank they might choose a $25 Starbucks and $25 Amazon gift card and they’re able to do that and so another way in which we offer flexibility in payment and allowing young people to have preference is by using
00:51:34.000 –> 00:51:36.000
00:51:36.000 –> 00:51:42.000
And, there are some questions, Daniel, about the training that you shared about youth focus facilitation.
00:51:42.000 –> 00:51:53.000
There’s 2 questions about that. If you want to drop in the chat, we do see that as a resource we’ve had some other colleagues go through it and right now we’re working on as a team as Daniel has gone through it helping us get some training.
00:51:53.000 –> 00:52:00.000
Dante well in the plan is that eventually our whole team will have that training either featuring the trainer or have gone through ourselves.
00:52:00.000 –> 00:52:01.000
And we want this team to have these focus facilitation as well as trauma-informed research training.
00:52:01.000 –> 00:52:17.000
We all have that kind of like background but not formal, formal training. So we’ve also been if other people have resources to looking for places where we might all get that same formal training.
00:52:17.000 –> 00:52:30.000
As a team. To build on processes we’ve been using ourselves. Devonte, do you want to talk about safety protocols?
00:52:30.000 –> 00:52:31.000
00:52:31.000 –> 00:52:34.000
Yes, I think and Danielle is Touch wants some of it in the 3 C. So I think after we do that piece, it may be or fun to do it.
00:52:34.000 –> 00:52:38.000
00:52:38.000 –> 00:52:46.000
So I’m just dropping really quickly in the chat. The organization is called Partner for Youth Empowerment.
00:52:46.000 –> 00:52:47.000
And And then I was just, oh, I’m sorry, Daniel. Go ahead, please.
00:52:47.000 –> 00:52:55.000
And they have lots of training. The link is Okay, that was like I just put the link in the chat now to see there for you
00:52:55.000 –> 00:53:01.000
I was just gonna say, one that’s not covered in this last one is about, how we, how do we use quotes for our work?
00:53:01.000 –> 00:53:13.000
We use them both just in qualitative methods to share our findings as well as for advocacy in general our reporting is usually to inform practice policy advocacy all of those different pieces.
00:53:13.000 –> 00:53:27.000
So typically when we’re doing analysis, we’re doing the coding, reviewing interviews. To Dante’s point, if you’re in an interview when something really stands out to you, you know, you might jot down a timestamp if you’re recording or jot down what the quote is.
00:53:27.000 –> 00:53:43.000
And then when you’re reviewing your transcripts or your recording to do your themes, your analysis, whatever that might look like for you.
00:53:43.000 –> 00:53:44.000
00:53:44.000 –> 00:53:48.000
That’s another opportunity. We always use the second quote or second code that’s specific to just great quotes or a quotation bank and anytime you’re reading and you’re coming across things in your data that you feel like could potentially be great quotes.
00:53:48.000 –> 00:53:51.000
We just throw it in there and then as you are maybe writing for a report or you’re looking to pull something for advocacy.
00:53:51.000 –> 00:54:04.000
You kind of already have a repository of a lot of really good impactful quotes that might be able to, you know, use.
00:54:04.000 –> 00:54:15.000
I would also add that with quotes. Sometimes people often fall into the trap of wanting to quote everything because they really want to use the language of the participants.
00:54:15.000 –> 00:54:25.000
But sometimes when that happens too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. And so if you use quotes more sparingly, then they really have a bigger punch when you when you do.
00:54:25.000 –> 00:54:36.000
Use them, they can have a deeper impact. So in the last couple of minutes, I’m just gonna wrap up quickly talking about the 3 C’s.
00:54:36.000 –> 00:54:40.000
So the first C.
00:54:40.000 –> 00:54:52.000
Is about confidentiality. So we talked a little bit about this earlier. Of course, the maintaining a private space, we all know part of human subjects research is the application for the IRB.
00:54:52.000 –> 00:54:58.000
I do think that it’s important to note the while we talked about all of these different components. At every single step.
00:54:58.000 –> 00:55:07.000
This was a very critical decision point for our team. So we thought through for instance, even with being able to have virtual interviews and what that meant.
00:55:07.000 –> 00:55:27.000
So initially we wanted to have virtual interviews for, minors as well as adults. And I be basically told us like we there’s not really a way for us to guarantee that a minor can be in a safe and confidential space and have it do they have to have a parent present during the interview right there’s lots of logistics that could potentially come into play.
00:55:27.000 –> 00:55:36.000
Other things related to confidentiality. Sometimes you might see recommendations where people might want to bring in a peer or a trusted friend.
00:55:36.000 –> 00:55:42.000
That can potentially provide support, but also can potentially have confidentiality. And so it’s important to kind of think through your project for your team.
00:55:42.000 –> 00:55:52.000
Some of the risks that you, you know, might want to think through your project for your team, some of the risks that you, you know, might want to take on or not.
00:55:52.000 –> 00:55:59.000
I would also add that when we’re thinking about confidentiality. It’s also about what the participants share beyond this.
00:55:59.000 –> 00:56:07.000
And so for some studies for ours in particular, we were looking at people who might have interactions with the criminal justice system.
00:56:07.000 –> 00:56:13.000
And so, a certificate of confidentiality is something that you can apply for with a government agency and it adds an additional layer of protection.
00:56:13.000 –> 00:56:21.000
That prevents participants from self-incriminating. And so the record, the court. Just cannot subpoena your research records if someone might, you know, be talking about their experience.
00:56:21.000 –> 00:56:39.000
Selling drugs that can’t then later be used against them in a criminal trial. And so those are some of the ways that you can actually allow the participants to feel like the things that they’re sharing are truly confident.
00:56:39.000 –> 00:56:50.000
Thinking about ways in which to make this space more comfortable, of course, you know, doing active listening and engaging, thinking about ways in which you can make the space more comfortable, being mindful of your body language.
00:56:50.000 –> 00:57:09.000
Other I talked a little bit about ways you can make this space you know more comfortable for youth who are you engaging in a virtual setting you know being flexible with day time of course some other examples are like letting participants choose the gender of their interviewer, their interviewee.
00:57:09.000 –> 00:57:19.000
Also thinking through the safety piece, right? It’s also about comfortability for your team. And so we’ve already talked about we do go out in pairs.
00:57:19.000 –> 00:57:25.000
We also have when we go out, it, we are fortunate enough to have iPhones.
00:57:25.000 –> 00:57:37.000
And so we can share each other’s location. If we need to in case something’s going on, we also have had to do interviews where we might be off-site and in those cases we bring a staff person with us.
00:57:37.000 –> 00:57:51.000
That might be from the organization. We had one young person who for example wasn’t able to come into the building and so we did the interview outside but there was still someone from the organization there and so always kind of thinking about those dynamics.
00:57:51.000 –> 00:58:13.000
And then with consent of course you always have informed and youthicent, but it’s also an important component of the consent process is to do a teach back or repeat method where you actually have participants explain in their own words what the informed consent is rather than just having them quickly sign and you jump in.
00:58:13.000 –> 00:58:19.000
So in the last couple of, you know, 2 ish minutes or so, you reopened the floor.
00:58:19.000 –> 00:58:23.000
I do, I will add a little bit more about the safety because I just see the question and chat.
00:58:23.000 –> 00:58:38.000
Some of those other safety protocols that we have in place is Dante talked about this a little bit earlier, is we’re meeting with those organizations and nonprofits that we are doing our interviews with beforehand, weeks beforehand to kind of go over safety protocols for them.
00:58:38.000 –> 00:58:51.000
We’re asking about the kind of context of the neighborhood. Are there certain groups or you from certain areas of the community that it may not be safe for them to be in this neighborhood, kind of what does those dynamics look like.
00:58:51.000 –> 00:59:05.000
We also touch base with them, 24 to 48 h before we’re doing our interviews on site to kind of see what has been the ongoing context and kind of environment in the community has things changed since we previously had those conversations.
00:59:05.000 –> 00:59:16.000
We’re making sure that we have access to a private room so that the the interviewer and the youth is in a secluded space.
00:59:16.000 –> 00:59:18.000
So that other people can’t hear the conversation. They can’t see who’s in there talking to the interviewer at that time.
00:59:18.000 –> 00:59:32.000
We think through the process of making sure that if there is that potential that folks from different side of the city, it may not be safe for them to be together at the same time.
00:59:32.000 –> 00:59:36.000
We’re making sure that’s when that scheduling times come in so that they’re not overlapping.
00:59:36.000 –> 00:59:40.000
It’s not the possibility that this person may be leaving in this person may be arriving. So making sure we’re trying to avoid all of those.
00:59:40.000 –> 00:59:56.000
So really thinking through a lot of these complexities. And sometimes there may be things that we wasn’t able to think about, but being partnered with those organizations, they can help us and give us that local context that you may not know firsthand.
00:59:56.000 –> 01:00:13.000
And so it was really great to be able to lean in on our local nonprofits and organizations to also understand the local environment in terms of like this national and larger environment.
01:00:13.000 –> 01:00:20.000
Alright, that’s our time. Anything else from the team?
01:00:20.000 –> 01:00:24.000
Yup, all good.
01:00:24.000 –> 01:00:27.000
Thank you.
01:00:27.000 –> 01:00:28.000
01:00:28.000 –> 01:00:35.000
Thank you everyone. I just, yeah, I was like, I just want to add, I guess, quickly that This work, you know, we always talk about right now, lived experience has become a buzzword that everyone wants to include.
01:00:35.000 –> 01:00:42.000
And so these are some of the ways that you can start to think about intentionally incorporating lived experience because it’s not just enough to bring people in.
01:00:42.000 –> 01:00:53.000
We also want to do it in ways that are supportive and helpful to them. So that we don’t do more harm to the very organizations populations and communities we’re trying to help.
01:00:53.000 –> 01:01:02.000
For sure. Thank you so much. Thank you everyone for joining and sticking around. We answered all of our questions live or through the chat.
01:01:02.000 –> 01:01:09.000
But if you still want to contact us, feel free to reach out through this webinar channel. Has all of our information on our website.
01:01:09.000 –> 01:01:39.000
We’re glad to chat more and have a wonderful day. Take care.
Your Panel

Brandi Gilbert
Senior Associate
Community Science
Dr. Brandi Gilbert is a seasoned expert in research and evaluation. She is passionate about working with young people to drive community change. In our upcoming webinar, Dr. Gilbert will delve into how her trauma-informed and strength-based methodologies were instrumental in creating a safe and empowering environments for the youth involved in our study. She will discuss the nuances of how we chose locations where youth felt comfortable, and how this choice impacted the quality of our data.
DaVonti’ Haynes
Managing Associate
Community Science
Dr. DaVonti’ Haynes, MSW is a scholar and practitioner who employs a data-driven approach to social justice, particularly in educational and workforce settings. He will share his expertise in racial equity strategy and how it influenced the design of our research study. Dr. Haynes will specifically discuss how we were intentional in creating systems that not only gathered data but also provided resources to the youth involved, ensuring a holistic approach to research.
Danielle Gilmore
Senior Analyst
Community Science
Dr. Danielle Gilmore, MPP, CHES is a researcher who specializes in making sure everyone in a community has a fair chance at success. Dr. Gilmore will talk about her role in analyzing the stories and experiences shared by the youth in our study. She’ll explain how she made sure to consider each participant’s unique backgrounds and needs, ensuring that the study was sensitive to their individual experiences.
Dontae Cowans
Community Science
Dontarious “Dontae” Cowans, MA focuses on improving communities and empowering young leaders. Dontae has been instrumental in gathering information directly from the youth involved in our study. He will discuss his hands-on experience in talking to the youth and collecting their stories. He’ll share how this approach helped the team better understand the real-life challenges and aspirations of the young people we’re studying.