Transformative Community Engagement and Power Building

Accessible and just institutions and systems are not possible without equity in power for everyone. How institutions and systems engage those most affected by disparities of all types is often what distinguishes an effective and sustainable solution from one that is unsuccessful. Transformative community engagement and power building are the engines for change that ensure everyone has fair access to the resources and opportunities they need to reach their full potential.

Our Promise

Our community engagement and power building assistance builds on a community’s assets and recognizes that each community requires a different approach and strategy for engaging its members to build power and advocate for change. We carefully look at what is needed and how to make the process most meaningful. We do not participate in tokenism, placation, or practices that will not result in the voice of the community being incorporated or translated into strategies, distribution of resources, or other critical decision-making processes. Our goal is to create a progressive and constructive change. Often where there is change, there is friction. We see these conflicts as opportunities for building and strengthening community capacity to build power among its people and create more effective government, systems, and other institutions.

Our Services

Our services that promote community engagement and power building include:

  • Collaborative and flexible strategic planning.

  • Power building ecosystem landscape analysis.

  • The “social reconnaissance” and other inclusive methods of community assessments and planning.
  • Capacity building system design and training of consultants and trainers.

  • Planning and implementation of methods for large-scale mobilization and maintenance of grassroots and mutual aid efforts.

  • Evaluation and research.

Have questions? We have answers.

Related Projects

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The certification program of Adventist Community Services consists of training to build participants’ 1) management and technical skills, 2) leadership skills, and 3) understanding of biblical concepts. Community Science was engaged to help Adventist Community Services build its capacity around ...
Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees commissioned Community Science to write the evaluation-related sections of a toolkit that included a wide range of resources to meet the information needs of foundations that sought to support immigrant integration work ...
As a subcontractor to the Touchstone Center for Collaboration Inquiry’s evaluation of the Immigrant Participation & Immigration Reform effort funded by the Four Freedom Fund, Community Science documented the experiences of national, regional, and local organizations that advocate for immigration ...
This initiative’s predecessor, Valuing Diversity, was funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and the American Psychological Association, and managed by Community Science from 2000 to 2002. In the Valuing Diversity project (described in more detail later), Community Science worked with ...
Community Science assisted the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and its community partners in the design and implementation of the Yes We Can! initiative, aimed to address the educational and economic development of seven Battle Creek neighborhoods and the rest of the ...
With support from The Community Foundation for the National Capital Region, Community Science convened in 2000 a group of immigrant leaders in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area to develop strategies for increasing immigrant civic participation. Participants learned from each other ...
Community Science provided assistance to the Fairfax County Department of Systems Management for Human Services to implement a community learning process to increase understanding of issues related to day labor. For one year, Community Science facilitated a learning circle designed ...